Melvelous the Magnificent

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Melvelous Magnificent.jpg
Number of Scenarios 3
Guaranteed Reward for Completion
Hand of Melvelous
  • No party deaths
  • Party has one health
  • Equip only items with a Drawback card
Unlocked By
The Compass of Xorr
Gladiatorial Arena, Qualifiers, Return to Woodhome
Anjin's Treasures, Garnet Demon Portal, The Sinister Wood, The Viscous Tombs

[edit] Part 1 - Castle Hall

Melvelous the Magnificent Part1 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
4 6
Enemies Quantity
Orc Guard 3
Melvelous 1
Pre-Battle Description
You travel to Melvelous’ castle. It sits on top of the highest mountain in Cardhuntria, in a place befitting one of the finest nobles ever to grace this land. Outmatched and terrified, you assault the castle. By some minor miracle, you force your way into the castle hall, where you must now face the might of this renowned living legend. Bow before the might of Melvelous the Magnificent!
Post-Battle Description
You have achieved the unachievable! Melvelous’ beautiful corpse slumps to the flagstoned floor and… Shatters into thousands of mirror-like shards?! Alas, Melvelous has outwitted you with a magical double. He escapes your grasp with grace and ease and skips past you laughing, exiting through a secret door.

[edit] Part 2 - Chamber of Traps

Melvelous the Magnificent Part2 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
5 6
Enemies Quantity
Melvelous 1
Traplings 4
Pre-Battle Description
Behold Melvelous’ treasure room! Melvelous is sitting on a giant pile of coins and his visage is bathed in radiant gold. As you enter the room, the door slams shut. A number of large wooden chests start to move towards you! These are in fact deadly Traplings. Melvelous stands out of reach, laughing at your futile efforts.
Post-Battle Description
Just as you thought you had landed the killing blow, Melvelous casts Wish and Telport and escapes you. Again. Biting back tears of frustration and lamenting your incompetence you pursue him further into the castle.

[edit] Part 3 - Sanctum of Melvelous

Melvelous the Magnificent Part3 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
5 6
Enemies Quantity
Melvelous 1
Traplings 2
Orc Guard 2
Pre-Battle Description
Melvelous and his bodyguard have trapped you deep within the castle. There is no escape from the true horror of your martial inadequacy. Now you will face his true power and you will pay for daring to challenge THE MIGHT OF MELVELOUS!
Post-Battle Description
Notes to GM: it is highly unlikely any players will ever reach the end of this adventure, hence this section has been left deliberately empty.

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